200 Hours Kundalini Yoga Meditation Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh India

meditation is a word in Sanskrit Dhyana yoga
Dhyan Yoga is a different aspect of yoga in order to attain Shamadhi Super Consciousness. meditation therefore helping balance of the mind in order to harmony, peaceful ,happiness within. The ultimate meditation is to develop and transform different faculties of the brain . The faculties of the brain concern with our emotions, passion, anger, in order to express them. Therefore meditation is a very important to express and transfer of our emotions, passion, anger and different negativity of the mind. meditation is a technique in order to understand daily life of stress and strain and how to free from them .Without meditation is very difficult to manage stress and strain in a daily life.

Through meditation in a daily life one can be transform the social life in a positive life style . Regular meditation also helping positive management of the life . and Pranic Energy . Pranic Energy is the root cause of our positive life style and good Samskars. Meditation is a key practice of the awakening Kundalini Chakra Energy.

Meditation is a key practice of all traditions and religions in order to attain the consciousness of God the supreme. The aim and goal of the meditation in order to be free from Karma up sufferings , in order to attain the Freedom , Experience real Love , Truth , Light and Wisdom within.

So finally practice of the meditation leads to final Liberation.
Therefore meditation Teacher Training Course is a unique Training among the all trainings of Yoga , Tantra and Spiritual Science. So finally practice of the meditation leads to final Liberation.
Therefore meditation Teacher Training Course is a unique Training among the all trainings of Yoga , Tantra and Spiritual Science.


Philosophy of the Meditation
Psychology of the Mind
Science of the Pranayama
Physical Body and its Anatomy
Applied Science of the Meditation.
Meditational Yoga Posture
Panchkosha and PanchaBhuta
Introduction to the Kundalini Tantra and the Chakras
In case if you wish can join for one week on special request

Daily Schedule of TTC except Sundays Holiday:

  • 06.00 am …….get up / take bath shower and hot drink / Arati
  • 06.30 to 07.00am…… Arati/ Shivapuja/ Devi Puja
  • 07.00 to 08.30 am…. Kundalini Chakra ,Pranayama and Mantras Chantings
  • 08:45 to 10:15am…… Asanas on Chakras and general practice
  • 10.15 to 11.00 am….. Breakfast.
  • 11.30am to 01.00 pm….. Karma Yoga (cleaning upstairs corridor, helping yoga hall cleaning/ toilet/Bath cleaning/ own room cleaning )
  • 01.00 pm to 01.30pm…. Lunch
  • 01.30 to 2.30 pm…. rest/free time/ self study
  • 02 .30 to 4.00 pm….. Anatomy on Chakras and general functions of Panchakoshas
  • 04.00 to 05.30pm….Kundalini Meditations and psychology of Yoga
  • 05.30 to 06.00pm….Temple Arati/Shivapuja/ Devi Puja
  • 06.00 to 07.00pm….. Free Time/ Self study
  • 07.00 to 07.30 pm….Dinner
  • 08.00 pm Rest

200 Hours Kundalini Yoga Meditation Teacher Training Course

  • 1st to 21st January
  • 1st to 21st February
  • 1st to 21st March
  • 1st to 21st April
  • 1st to 21st May
  • 1st to 21st June
  • 1st to 21st July
  • 1st to 21st August
  • 1st to 21st September
  • 1st to 21st October
  • 1st to 21st November
  • 1st to 21st December

NOTE: Please Read Rules and Regulations and fill up the form as applicant and send via email : swamisamarpanashram@gmail.com which is very important and once you confirm and proceed to payment. Download

Karma Yoga is a vital part of the course in order to express inner emotions into positive actions, which is an essential for the management of the daily life .
What Includes : 3meals per a day, hot drinks, study certificate & sharing accommodation


Option 1

Non Air Condition (AC) Shared Room and Common Bath, Toilet.
Course Fee 799 Euro + 100 Euro bank charges

Option 2

Air Condition (AC) Shared Room and Common Bath, Toilet.
Course Fee 1099 Euro + 100 Euro bank charges

    Please Note: All Banking Transfer charges will be responsible by the Customer.
    Please Note: Once paid the fee of the any course is non refundable at any cost
Samarpan School of Yoga

We are provide Yoga TTC certificate course

Yoga Alliance USA

We are registerd yoga Alliance with 200, 300, 500 hours yoga course

Yoga Alliance USA

YACEP (Continuing Education Providers)