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500 Hours Kundalini Tantra Yoga Teacher Training Course Rishikesh India Europe America

Note: We give you certificate 200+300=500 hours as per American Yoga Alliance

500 Hours Kundalini Tantra Yoga Teacher Training Course Rishikesh India.500 Hours Kundalini Tantra Yoga Rishikesh is a most valuable course among the all courses of Kundalini Tantra Yoga and Kundalini Tantra Yoga. So this course is most advanced training of the course with various training of the Kundalini Tantra Yoga methods and techniques like master degrees of the Kundalini Tantra yoga studies. You will study not only the body and the mind but most dept level of the spiritual aspect of the yoga, kundalini Tantra , ayurveda, anatomy and Philosophy and psychology of Kundalini Tantra Yoga

What is kundalini chakras?
What is Yoga and Kundalini Tantra?
What is the vrittis?
What is Ayurveda and related yoga and Kundalini Tantra?
What is Psychology of the mind and its functions in daily life?
How to approach yoga philosophy in daily life of the stress and strain and much more?
What is Pancha Koshas?
How one can balance 5 elements with 5 subtle bodies?
How to develop Pranic energy for the awakening kundalini and tantric power?

500 hours Kundalini Tantra Yoga Teacher Training Course Rishikesh, India, to learn with along asanas practice how to open chakras and more power for the daily life to be positive. How to balance three doshas with along systematic studies of ayurveda and diets. 500 hours Kundalini Tantra yoga teacher training course Rishikesh India give you the grand opening the higher dimension of the spirit and inner Karma amnd samskars
Advance management of the mind through Yoga and Kundalini Tantra

Managing the mind means, managing all aspects of the life.That how you going to learn within in the ashram discipline of life at Samarpan School of Yoga and Kundalini Tantra You going to learn and getting time to introspect, what has to be done in daily life of the stress and strain not only in the teachings but in your personal life. 500 hours Kundalini Tantra yoga teacher training course Rishikesh, India will guided by various masters and teachers of yogic, tantric and vedantic , buddhist perspectives. The concept of yoga and Kundalini Tantra is no concept, that how one can learn unconditional love and freedom within. Such a study will guide you how to open your heart for others and for your teachings with along the unconditional perspectives.

500 hours Kundalini Tantra yoga teacher training course Rishikesh India , you will study Advance asanas, pranayamas, mudras, bandhas Mantras , Yantras, Rituals of Nyasa Vidya and advance kriyas, kriya yoga and kundalini Tantra. Kundalini Tantra give you the idea how to manage your pranic energy in various level in your daily life. Also you will learn various method of the meditation from Kundalini Tantra, which is unique teachings of the Samarpan School of Yoga and Kundalini Tantra .You going to study in 500 hours Kundalini Tantra Yoga teacher training course Rishikesh India ,how to balance shiva and shakti energy also yin and yang energy.

Is important to learn how to be positive remain and all attitude of our own personality. In the 500 hours Kundalini Tantra yoga teacher training course Rishikesh India , training of the Yoga Asanas, pranayama need to learn how to be aware all our subtle level , astral level , causal level and cosmic level for the higher understanding of the life of the meanings. Yoga is not meant for the body health management or the stress management is much more. Kundalini Tantra Yoga is meant for the management of the mind and every actions and reactions of our habbits.
Kundalini Tantra Yoga is meant for the content does not matter,what we have or what what we do not have.

500 hours Kundalini Tantra Yoga teacher training course Rishikesh, India will make you understanding how to not expect and what has to be expect as per personal needs . Is it very important aspect of the Kundalini Tantra Yoga and one should make efforts to learn with positive attitude for its own life and teachings in order to help to others and bring light within and for others as well.

Therefore, Samarpan School of Yoga and Swami Samarpan Ashram Rishikesh is one of the unique and best Kundalini Tantra Yoga Ashram School for its ancient wisdom around the World and India ,Himalayas. Join us to learn and experience much more in the 500 hours Kundalini Tantra Yoga Teacher Training Course Rishikesh, India

Daily Schedule of TTC except Sundays Holiday:

  • 07:00 am: Wake up
  • 08.00 am to 10.00 am: Practice of TTC
  • 10.00am to 10.30am : Breakfast
  • 11.00 am to 12.30 am: Practice of TTC, which is Karma Yoga /Seva/ Service without expectations
  • 12:30 am to 01.00 pm... Self Study Part of TTC
  • 01.00 pm to 01.30 pm... Lunch
  • 03.00 pm to 03.15 pm... Tea Break
  • 03:30 pm to 7.30 pm... Theory, Practice of TTC and self study
  • 07:30 to 8.00 pm....Dinner
  • 009.00 Rest


1. ASANAS 2.PRANAYAMAS 3.KRIYAS 4.YOGA ANATOMY and PHYSIOLOGY 5. Chakra Yoga 6.KARMA YOGA 7. Mantra Yoga 8.TEACHING PRACTICE 9.YOGA NUTRITION 10. HATHA YOGA 11. RAJA YOGA 12. Kundalini Tantra 13.BHAKTI YOGA 14. PSYCHOLOGYand Philosophy OF YOGA 15.JNANA YOGA 16. Kundalini Tantra Yoga 17. Meditation 18. Yoga Nidra

Upcoming 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training India

IT is 40 days course and you can start on dated 10th of the at any month.
  • 1st January to 20th February
  • 1st February to 20th March
  • 1st March to 20th April
  • 1st April to 20th May
  • 1st May to 20th June
  • 1st June to 20th July
  • 1st July to 20th August
  • 1st August to 20th September
  • 1st September to 20th October
  • 1st October to 20th November
  • 1st November to 20th December
  • 1st December to 20th January

NOTE: Please Read Rules and Regulations and fill up the form as applicant and send via email : which is very important and once you confirm and proceed to payment. Download

Karma Yoga is a vital part of the course in order to express inner emotions into positive actions, which is an essential for the management of the daily life.
What Includes : 3 meals per a day, hot drinks, study certificate & sharing accommodation


Option 1

Non Air Condition (AC) Shared Room and Common Bath, Toilet.
Course Fee 1999 Euro + 200 Euro bank charges

Option 2

Air Condition (AC) Shared Room and Common Bath, Toilet.
Course Fee 2800 Euro + 300 Euro bank charges

    Please Note: All Banking Transfer charges will be responsible by the Customer.
    Please Note: Once paid the fee of the any course is non refundable at any cost
Samarpan School of Yoga

We are provide Yoga TTC certificate course

Yoga Alliance USA

We are registerd yoga Alliance with 200, 300, 500 hours yoga course

Yoga Alliance USA

YACEP (Continuing Education Providers)